Sunday, July 12, 2009

week 2

good day today.
had basil gnocchi, heirloom tomato, and chevre (all from the apt market) for breakfast.
i had had it for lunch yesterday. i still have ravioli asperge in the fridge ready for tomorrow.
rode with jl, 50k, i feel bad i can only speak to him in english.
we stopped in bonnieax and had a beer at n's place
went home, showered,
went back to bonnieaux, when the internet stopped working, to watch the tour on n's tv.
cafe creme.
went to a b's and caught up on things.
she has a ton of visitors.
it's always like that at her house.
rose (ro-sae) 1 and one half glasses.
went to dinner (poor, very poor), i settled on salade, tomate, and spiral pasta with no sauce and no cheese.
i had a frozen mars bar ice cream item for dessert. dark chocolate exterior, salty.
walked to c's to get something, and got a ride back up with j.
came home, washed my dishes and my gear (there were four jersey's ready for washing.)
now i'm going to a critique at 10pm on a sunday night.
their request.

the view is outstanding.


Saturday, July 4, 2009


One week of the quarter down. Very tiring, but should get better.
There is a good amount of production. Rode the Nesque today. One more dignified ride before the other rider leaves. Working on , mileage, painting, the Tour, and the film when I'm not teaching. No distractions make it possible. Should be in a good rhythm by next week, but lots of details.

The Tour started today. They go through Les Baux on Monday. Should not be missed by anyone wanting to experience the place.
We'll see.

x x x 35 50 x

33 75 x 52 36 85 x

114 (480)